Friday, August 12, 2011

Brings me back


After a long try and error, finally I got the exact layout for my blog! I think it suits well. The feeling that I had is indescribable because its to wonderful to be told. *OVER* HAHA. I really hope that this feeling will inspires me to write more than I usually do T___T

Ohh I am so in love with my blog ♥ ♥ ♥

p/s ; today im going to meet my girlfriends. awesome right? hihi I can't wait! ;)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I believe

"Single doesn't always mean lonely, and relationship doesn't always mean happy."


Friday, August 5, 2011


Last night I saw JPA scholarship link on my facebook news feed. I was so excited when I saw it because I always wanted to apply a scholarship#bajetpandai #ahlantaklah

Without wasting any time, I directly click the link and zupppppps the JPA website appeared! Ho yeah! :D

see the picture? yeah that is the link babehh ;)

So, after i found the exact link, I quickly click it and fill in all the form. Pehh! Super laju man I filled it. #semangat punya pasal

After I settle everything, they automatically save the application form as a prove that I had apply and this came out.....

Erghhhh I was so FRUSTRATED!

because I left my SURAT TAWARAN KE IPTA at my college back at Sabah. Naisly done Zana! wuwuwuwuwu :'(

Ps : After a while, I thought that maybe Allah had written my fate which is I had to stick to the YPJ loan. Okay, Syukur Alhamdulillah :)