Tuesday, June 21, 2011


.Google search.

My 2nd semester result was released yesterday.

Actually, it suppose to release today, but then BPA UMS release it earlier than expected. I guess maybe they are so excited to let us down during this wonderful holiday. Oh suke hati korang laa. As for last semester, I didn't put any target as I am facing some love life crisis during the examination month. I can't focus on my study at all. Oh screw me for having a boyfriend back then.

So, as I didn't study at my very best, I got a bit low CPG compare to the 1st semester. And yeah, I was crying crazily that night. I was really mad at myself for being such a dumb. Erghhhhh! Its true I didn't hope to get high pointer but not as low as that. Hm.

This is a lesson for me to not having any boyfriend through my college year. I really need to boost up the pointer in order to have a better life in the future, of course. So, I gotta change the attitude and be more focus for next semester. Pray for me ! :D

P/S For anyone who may concern, my pointer is below 3.00, enough said.

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